"Safe House"
#2.11 Season 2, Episode 11
Original Air Date June 27, 2005
Shawn Christian
"Johnny Durant" |
When Nikki's friend, Cameron (Zac Efron) confides in Nikki that his dad, Kyle (C. Thomas Howell) has a drinking problem, Nikki struggles with keeping it a secret. But, when things start to turn abusive, Nikki turns to Ava for help. Cameron's dad does not take Ava's interference well and Cameron falls into harm's way. Cameron seeks out Nikki. He is frantic and distraught that Nikki broke his confidence and has made things worse for him at home. Nikki makes a decision to keep him safe. He will not go home and will stay with her family. After Cameron is settled in for the night, Ava has a heart to heart talk with Johnny. Johnny understands Cameron's situation all too well, as his mother was also an abusive alcoholic. Ava expresses her sympathy to Johnny that he would ever have to go through that alone. Later, Johnny encounters Cameron. It is an emotional scene as Johnny shares with Cameron his understanding of living with an alcoholic parent. Cameron falls apart. He worries that his father will never love him again. Johnny assures him his dad will always love him. Cameron's emotions are at a breaking point and the tears begin to flow. Johnny pulls Cameron toward him and lets him cry in his arms. When Cameron's dad shows up at the house, things come to a boiling point, Johnny tells Kyle his son needs him, but not the way he is now. Johnny offers to drive him to rehab. Kyle agrees.
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