"Pick Nik"
#2.4 ~ Season 2, Episode 4
Original Air Date March 21, 2005
Shawn Christian
"Johnny Durant" |
Johnny accidentally sees Ava in her wedding dress and it hits him hard. Ava's wedding to Simon is being planned and for Johnny his role as father in the family will be diminished. Johnny accepts the decision honorably, but clearly he feels a loss at being pushed away from Ava and the family he has grown to love. When Johnny moves the last box of his stuff out of the home, he and Ava have a moment together. Johnny tells Ava how hard it was to see her in her wedding dress. Before Johnny turns to leave, Ava tells Johnny how thankful she was for him being there and she how she depended on him the most. They are unaware Simon is on the balcony overhearing the heartfelt conversation. Johnny leaves and continues to work on opening his restaurant. He hires out of work Erika to help. When Bradin stops by the restaurant to complain about Ava and Simon, Johnny reminds Bradin all of what Ava has done for him and like it or not, Simon will be a part of Bradin's life.
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